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Transcending Our Differences

United by Our Love of Nature

We are each unique individuals, whether humans, animals, or plants. We are wonderful and glorious in our diversity and individuality, but we are also dependent on each other and interconnected. 

We cannot survive alone. We need each other—as individuals, as species, as cities, as habitats, as states, as ecosystems, as countries, and as a planet. No matter what culture we come from or what species we are (plant, animal, or human), we all need to work together to create a peaceful planet where we can all be friends and help each other fulfill our dreams and destinies as individuals and as a planet.

Each morning, I wake with thoughts swirling around, beckoning me to get up! My energy is bursting with ideas, waiting for cohesion and integration into a readable or viewable form. It is early morning, before the sun is up, and all is quiet and still. I am infused with passion and ready to create and share myvision.

I love nature, the plants, animals, and people I live with on Earth. I want to bring joy into our lives, inspiration for a better future, and hope for peace in our hearts through collaboration, writing, illustrations, and presentations.

Nature is a great equalizer. We can all experience the beauty and wonder of the natural world, regardless of our varying backgrounds and cultural differences.

Being in nature is transformative. Whether I'm walking in a forest or sitting by the ocean, time stands still. My problems dissolve in nature's endless wonder. I feel energized and revitalized; it makes me feel like anything is possible. I feel hope for our planet's survival. I want to inspire others to experience the transformative power of nature.