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I want to inspire people to touch and feel the earth; to experience nature every day so we can fill ourselves with the hope, wonder, magic, mystery, and beauty of the natural world.




 The Mystical, Magical, Wonderful World of Nature

September 2024


I want to inspire people to touch and feel the earth, to experience nature every day, so we can fill ourselves with the hope, wonder, magic, mystery, and beauty of the natural world. With so much doom and gloom in our lives, the natural world gives us a time out, to remember things outside of ourselves, greater than our individual selves, a larger world community.


To remember a beautiful world filled with vibrant and breathtaking animals, plants, and people, who together make up our earth. We are all part of something so wonderful, that when we hold that illuminated vision inside of us, we will want to do whatever we can, not only to save ourselves but to save all the beauty surrounding us that we are a part of. We will feel that connection with the world deep inside of us; it is so powerful when we are all together moving in the same direction.


Our love for each other and the earth, the plants and the animals will be embedded deep inside our beings, and we will all do whatever it takes for our planet to survive. Not only will we use our intellect and our heads and our reasoning to do what is necessary, but our hearts will move us and fill us with purpose and hope to save each other and the natural world because together we are something profound and beautiful, and it gives us hope for our future.


We desperately need to be moved with emotion as well as our intellect; we need a reason for living, a glimmer of a better world to come, a hope for our future.