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Marin Voice: County offers inspiration for the 2024 election

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Marin Voice: County offers inspiration for the 2024 election


The climate emergency is here now. We must act to save our planet.


The November ballot is a "climate election." If we do not aggressively implement clean energy programs by 2030, we risk entering a climate doomsday spiral with no end.


Our lives depend on us taking personal and conscious action between now and the election. We must make time to be outside in nature, embracing the beauty and wonder of our planet's natural world. This daily reminder is essential and mandatory for our morale and motivation – to keep us inspired, alert and vigilant about supporting only those candidates on the ballot who will absolutely and aggressively address the climate energy crisis looming ahead.





We need Olympic flame of hope for climate-ravaged planet

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We need Olympic flame of hope for climate-ravaged planet

As the 2024 Paris Games begin, the Olympic torch inspires us with its flame,

symbolizing hope for everyone around the world.


But as we watch the athletes' dazzling performances, our climate-ravaged planet brings us closer to extinction every day. We desperately need to feel the same kind of Olympic flame of hope in our hearts for our planet—hope that we can stop the destruction and devastation caused by climate change. 


The transformative power of reconnecting with nature can help us gain a deeper understanding of our place in the natural world and feel a sense of responsibility towards it. Nature can empower us to mitigate climate change, heal our souls, and inspire us to save our Planet.






Stay in Oceanside offered a mesmerizing reminder of nature’s charm

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Stay in Oceanside offered a mesmerizing reminder of nature’s charm

Such experiences help us remember why we are fighting to save our planet.


This is an op-ed about how I renewed my bond with the natural world while living on the beach in Oceanside, California. Every day, I experienced the breathtaking beauty and magnificence of the ocean.


I describe how we can all nurture our connection with the natural world by experiencing nature in our daily lives. Our love of nature will be renewed and embedded in our hearts, motivating us to take action to end environmental devastation.